
Grades K-5

Looking for awesome resources to empower your students to take action on climate change? These free learning resources from The Gaia Project focus on the Global Competencies, Sustainable Development Goals and the New Brunswick curriculum. There is something for everyone! To request resources in French, click here.

Gaia-Led Programs

Work with a Gaia team member to take on a climate action project with your students!

Grades: 3-5

- Limited Availability

Collect, measure and find solutions to reduce your school’s waste footprint! This inquiry-based project offers math, literacy, social studies, science and art connections. Hands-on learning, free resources and equipment for your school. The Gaia Project’s Trash Tracker program has received national recognition for raising the social awareness of students towards real-world problems!

This program is currently full. To be added to our waitlist, sign up now!

Learning Packages

We have created the lesson plan, now bring it to life in your classroom!

Grades: K-12

Take on Sustainable Development Goal #13 Climate Action in a way that interests you and your students! Use this interactive poster along with its companion guide to make your classroom more sustainable and introduce important eco-conscious behaviour to your students!

Grades: K-2

- Limited Availability

This literacy kit focused on sustainability topics will help create a generation of climate literate students from a very young age. Books are a fun and engaging way to introduce and explore the subject of climate change with students, showcasing that it is an interdisciplinary topic that can be brought into the classroom in creative ways.

This program is currently full. To be added to our waitlist, sign up now!
Grades: K-5

The Sustainability Action Projects learning resource assists teachers in the effective delivery of sustainable education and include a collection of engaging, age-appropriate outdoor and indoor activities for students to explore the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

Grades: 3-5

Introduce your students to the fascinating world of energy! Through fun and educational lesson plans, videos and activities, your students will learn how energy is harnessed, distributed and used, and understand the pros and cons of different energy sources.

Other Offerings

Take advantage of these other options available to you!

Do you know a school staff member, a student or a school who has gone above and beyond to take action on climate change and who would deserve an award? The Gaia Project would like to recognize those champions who have made an outstanding impact this year, and we are looking for candidates from all across the province.

Nominations are now closed for the 2023-2024 school year. Visit our awards page to learn more.

Are you an environmental leader looking to make your school more sustainable? EcoSchools Canada is the perfect fit for students and teachers who want to take climate action within their classrooms and schools. With environmental curriculum and projects provided, students and teachers can achieve different levels of certification, putting their school on the pathway to sustainability!

Grades: K-12

Are you a student learning from home or a teacher doing online education? Use this interactive poster to help make students’ home more sustainable and introduce important eco-conscious behaviour to their family. This downloadable poster is free and comes with suggested activities, videos and important information to take climate action today!

The Gaia Project is now offering FREE professional learning sessions on climate change education, energy literacy and other sustainable topics to meet the needs of your school community. Gaia will be flexible to your schedule and availability. Contact our team for more information.